Carnegie Stake pool (CARN) is set up on Epoch 260 by Ian and his friend in Apr 2021.
The pool currently has 29 delegators with an active stake of $329.7k and 30k Ada pledge. It currently charges 1% fees and has minted 8 lifetime blocks. Read on more about CARN and help them / contribute towards save the children charity!
Why them?
Andrew Carnegie was an American industralist who was famous for expanding the steel industry during the late 19th century. While building his empire, he become involved with philanthrophy and devoted much of his wealth towards building libraries, scientific research and bettering the world. Till date, many of us are still learning the life lessons he left for the world.
Adopting Carnegie as their role model, CARN is firmly committed towards the values and ethics that Cardano supports. With a very informative website with information diverse across various languages, CARN hopes to empower individuals across all regions to assume more control over their lifes, including being their own banks. Connecting the unconnected, banking the unbanked.
Staking information in 9 languages
CARN also supports the betterment of communities by pledging to donate 20% of his pool rewards towards his chosen charity – Save the Children. As children are our pillars of the future, improving the lives of the underprivileged kids who are unable to access basic and clean amenities, towards realising their full potential. Till date, CARN has donated 289 ADA
As such, they are well deserving to earn one of the spots on our showcase initiative. Do give CARN pool a visit if you are interested in their work. Connect with them via below: Website Twitter Facebook
Huat to CARN–> All the best in improving your stake and getting your next few blocks soon!