With the Tokyo Olympics coming to an end, and going back to Cardano’s Japanese roots in Emurgo, we thought we would like to showcase an upcoming SPO from Japan.
First registered on Epoch 275, Miyabi (MYB) has minted 5 lifetime blocks with a live stake of 4.55M ADA, which improves block minting consistency. Although they have a low pledge of 400 ADA, they are currently charging 0% fees and serve to improve/ protect traditional culture within Japan.
Do give MYB your support!
Why them?

Kyoto Miyabi Fund. We at Huat believes that culture is intrinsic and instrumental to any nation’s history and continued development. While it is inevitable that some of these traditional arts would be lost through time, as we move towards an everchanging cosmopolitan land/sco/cityscape, it is important to preserve those that we can.
Faced with growing manpower shortage and resources in times of modernisation, the traditional industries in Kyoto are being impacted and face uncertain business challenges. Imagine an ancient capital city / Japan without these colourful and recognisable wooden umbrellas, it would be a metallic concrete urban jungle which lost its soul.
With this in mind, the Kyoto Miyabi Foundation set up MYB in the hopes to continue support for traditional industries and craftsmen. As of early July, they have reserved 204 ADA and will continue to accumulate 20% of their operating profits for this purpose.

To be honest, every SPO in Japan are deserving of this. Through regular translation and sharing on Cardano’s ideas and philosophies in their native Japanese, they have definitely enhanced outreach to a wider community. Miyabi is no exception, and constantly updates their website/ Twitter
As such, they are well deserving to earn one of the spots on our showcase initiative. Do give MYB pool a visit if you are interested in their work. Connect with them via below:
Huat to MYB –> Thanks for sharing knowledge in Japanese, supporting local culture and helping with decentralisation! When possible, do consider increasing your pledge to earn higher rewards for your delegators too. Good luck on growing the pool and hope that you will get your next blocks soon!