
Last SPO showcase before the Alonzo hardfork. Currently on #14 and ongoing 🙂

STAY stake pool was set up on Epoch 261 and it currently has 11 delegators with an active stake of $33.3k and 30.5k Ada pledge. It currently charges 0% fees and is working towards minting its first lifetime block.

STAY pool is also the creator of the $Thank coin. Read on more about STAY and help them mint their first block! 

Why them?

Being an SPO can be a very challenging and time-consuming endeavour. Often times, we see new enthusiastic SPOs fizzle out due to the intense competition for delegation and difficulties in growing the pool. The original intent and mindset must thus be managed carefully as it would otherwise implicate potential delegators. 

It is thus a breath of fresh air when a pool like STAY assures its delegators that it is here to stay in the long run as a single-pool operator with 10% profits channeled towards climate change and 90% shared back to delegators until 5m staked. For the immediate future, it will also charge 0% fees until 20m staked and a modest 1% thereafter.  

Although STAY pool has yet to mint any blocks, it has made its first contribution towards supporting climate change through Clean Air Task Force. This is in line with HUAT’s own initiatve towards a better natural world.

Interestingly, STAY pool also created a $Thank coin which SPOs/ delegators can use to express their gratitude. We believe positivity and happiness starts from being appreciative, and receiving a  $Thank coin from a fellow friend is a simple way of marking a happy moment of the day. For more information on how to redeem $Thank coin, please refer to the link below.

Looking at the above, we can clearly feel STAY pool’s dedication and conviction towards being a small decentralised part of Cardano’s ecosystem. Although they are a fairly new SPO, they had certainly worked hard towards helping the community and charities alike.

As such, they are well deserving to earn one of the spots on our showcase initiative. Do give STAY pool a visit if you are interested in their work. Connect with them via below:
Thank coin

Huat to STAY–> All the best in improving your stake and minting your first block. The $Thank coin is a simple but useful way of expressing thanks. Keep up the good work!
