
SKULL stake pool was set up on Epoch 251. 

The pool currently has 11 delegators with an active stake of $37.8k and 10k Ada pledge. It currently charges 0% fees and has minted 2 lifetime blocks. 

Read on more about SKULL and help them mint more blocks! 

Why them?

Alright, we gotta admit that this was pretty cool and caught our attention. 

What’s most interesting is that SKULL pool is a subset of what the SPO is doing mainly with an online clothes shop. Featuring their iconic main character Dii Casses (Mr Bones buddy above), they have a series of clothing imbued with the Cardano logo and have created NFTs on the Cardano blockchain. There is an truly immersive lore background to these characters and was a good read. 

To add to that, SKULL has also enabled all payments in ADA. 1% of all sales from products purchased on the website, will go towards Oceana and planting trees! 

As such, they are well deserving to earn one of the spots on our showcase initiative. Do give SKULL pool a visit if you are interested in their work. Connect with them via below:


Huat to SKULL–> All the best in improving your stake and getting your next few blocks soon!
